Over 100 years ago, Jaquelin Taylor started a company that has grown to become the leader in the global leaf tobacco business, and, today, we’re excited to contemplate future opportunities. But, some things won’t change, like our commitment to setting industry standards in providing products that are responsibly‐sourced and processed with transparency and our dedication to cultivating stronger ties with the various communities that we both serve and depend on, including, our investors, our customers, and our growers.


Look closer and you’ll discover a company that’s facing its future with firm resolve and sensible optimism.

Our history

Reflecting on all that’s occurred since our founding, one thought seems to sum it up better than others—it’s been quite a ride! As the following timeline demonstrates, ours is a history defined by forward progress, often in spite of the uncertainty around us. Through over 100 years characterized by economic anxiety, geo-political turmoil and breathtaking technological change, Universal has managed to adapt to changing agricultural practices, build a global presence, embrace state of the art technology and emerge as the recognized industry leader.

We’re indebted to those who’ve traveled with us—our investors, our employees, our growers and, especially, our customers. To all we say, “thank you”. We’re grateful for your confidence, your help, your friendship and our relationships. And, we hope you’ll continue with us on the journey ahead.