Universal is the only independent, global leaf supplier with significant operations in Europe. This region consists of processing facilities and sales offices in Italy and Poland was well as direct sourcing of tobacco in Spain and Hungary. Factories for reconstitued tobacco are located in Germany and Netherlands.

Regional Operations

DHT-Deutsch-Holländische Tabakgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Universal Leaf Tobacco Hungary Ltd. (Hungary)
Deltafina S.r.l. (Italy)
L’Agricola S.r.l. (Italy)
HTL-DHT (Netherlands)
Universal Leaf Tobacco Poland Sp. z o.o. (Poland)
TAES, S.L. (Spain)

Map Legend

Domenico Cardinali

Regional Director / Domenico A. Cardinali

Universal is the only independent, global leaf supplier with significant operations in Europe. Domenico Cardinali has 40 years of experience with Universal in the tobacco industry and has served as the Regional Director of our European Region for 7 years. The region processes and trades tobacco leaf and recon products with operations in Italy, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Germany, and the Netherlands.