Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, Universal Corporation operates in more than 30 countries spanning five continents. We are the leading global supplier of leaf tobacco and also have other agro‐related businesses that fit with our core competencies.



Through various global subsidiaries and unconsolidated entities, we purchase, process and sell a variety of flue-cured, burley, dark air-cured and oriental tobaccos. Universal Leaf provides agronomy support, research and financing to tobacco farmers but does not manufacture consumer tobacco products.


Universal Ingredients sources and processes vegetable, fruit, herb and spice ingredients for food, including pet food, and beverage end markets. This platform is focused on the plant-based processing segment of the agricultural value chain, where we believe we possess significant operational and commercial expertise.


Universal is committed to maintaining a low-risk profile, one attractive to investors interested in long-term return, including, an uninterrupted 50-year record of increasing dividend payouts. Our record of conservative financial management is clear, and, facing a future characterized by global economic and political uncertainty, we remain committed to managing the company with a focus on strong financial performance.

Follow the investor links provided here and discover a company facing the future with sensible optimism, structured to take advantage of opportunities and managed to minimize surprises.


As the industry leader, our first priority must be to focus attention and resources on factors affecting sustainability throughout the supply chain, including reforestation, water conservation, reduced carbon emissions, child labor, and environmentally sensitive agricultural practices. However, we also know that our actions have a powerful impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people on five continents—farmers, employees, and families in rural communities. That’s why we’re committed to investing in infrastructure and social programs that improve living conditions, promote education, and make communities stronger and healthier.


Integrity, ethics, transparency—just words really. That is, until a company commits to making them integral to its business conduct. At Universal, that commitment permeates our operations at every level, every day. From risk mitigation to scrupulous attention to laws and regulations, compliance is embedded in our DNA and visible in our risk mitigation efforts, ethical decision-making processes and corporate governance policies. Because, Universal’s management fervently believes that doing the right thing the right way is the only way to do business. It’s just what leaders do.