Universal Leaf South Africa (Pty) Limited (ULSA) contracts with South African farmers in Limpopo Province, the Eastern and Western Cape, for the production and procurement of Dark Air-cured (DAC) tobacco. The national DAC crop is relatively small at 3,500 Tons, with ULSA purchasing almost all of this production for sales to tobacco product manufacturers domestically and for export.
The DAC tobacco is typically grown on commercial tobacco farms, with ULSA also working with local communities, banks and agricultural support organisations to promote production by small scale growers.
ULSA does not have its own processing facility, but contracts with the only tobacco leaf processing facility in the country located at Rustenburg, for its processing needs.
The contract with commercial growers includes stringent conditions for sustainable production, and ULSA’s unique ‘study group’ forum for meeting with its contracted growers facilitates regular and comprehensive exchanges on good agricultural practices and good labour practices.
Regional Operations
Universal Leaf Africa (Proprietary) Limited (South Africa)
Universal Leaf South Africa (Proprietary) Limited (South Africa)
Map Legend